Bridging Voice has launched a state wide initiative in Maryland, thanks to a partnership with Maryland Department of Aging. This program will provide Bridging Voice communication services and mobility equipment from the Maryland Durable Medical Equipment Re-Use program FREE of CHARGE to every ALS patient in the state of Maryland.

How it works

Answer a few questions

We'll set up an introductory call

You'll receive free ongoing support

Sign Up Now

No matter what stage you are at in your ALS journey we can help. If you live in Maryland and have been diagnosed with ALS contact us. Bridging Voice provides:
- Education on assistive technology options for communication
- Training & Technical Support for eye trackers and computer access
- Customizations we will customize the technology to make it work for you!


About Bridging Voice

Bridging Voice is a 501c3 non-prot that helps ALS patients by supporting all their technology needs related to communication and computer access.

WE BELIEVE the ability to connect and communicate with family, friends, and the broader world is a critical component of the human experience. No diagnosis should be allowed to take this away.

OUR MISSION is to enable and empower people with ALS to communicate by removing the barriers between them and assistive technology.

Learn More

Mobility Equipment

Maryland Durable Medical Equipment Re-Use provides gently-used mobility equipment to Maryland residents, free of charge. To donate or receive equipment such as wheelchairs, power wheelchairs, home hospital beds, mechanical lifts, shower chairs, and more visit or call 240-230-8000.

Maryland Durable Medical Equipment Re-use

Learn More

Contact Us

If you have questions regarding partnerships, media or general inquiries please contact us below, or call (410) 314-9476

    Grant funds from the Maryland Department of Aging assisted in the development of this material. Points of view or opinions contained herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the Department